Weekend Getaway
I just got home about an hour ago from a strange weekend. I would post photos but I realized taking a camera to a cottage where I plan to let my hair fly wild and wear zero make-up.....was not a good idea. Nobody needs to see that. So I took friday off work and headed up with Dave to where my parents were staying in Haliburton for their vacation. Every year my parents rent a different cottage for two weeks in the summer and we went for a few days last time and it was very relaxing....full of swimming. Well not this year. We arrive at the cottage early in the morning and everything is great. My parents welcome us with tea as they give us the tour, and the place is beautiful. We eventually end up outside on the dock where Dave claims the water is warm. I dare him to jump in with all his clothes on. He does it. I enjoy. We see dark clouds looming over the area but keep our optimism..thinking even if it does rain, it won't last too long. NOPE! ALL WEEKEND IT PISSED! Not only did it rain the entire time...but it was cold and clammy too. That didn't stop my parents from going out and playing a game of golf the next day though. Those two could play during a damn tornado, I swear to god. Thats cool though...Dave and I decide to head into town to eat lunch since there is nothing else to do. We walk down the streets in the pissing rain and find everything is full because I guess the entire town had the same idea as we did. So I remember a place my mom said was really good that was back where the cottage was. Back we go.....and we enter The Corner Cafe. Holy fuck what a piece of shit. As soon as we come in the doors we see that all of the walls in the place are covered ( completely covered....like a serial killer's basement would be) with photos of guests sitting at the tables. Just random people sitting and posing at their table, and also giant posters of The Pope and Mother Theresa (sp?).Oooookay......too late to go back to the car. When a grumpy old lady shows us to our cheap plastic seats and table next to a large stack of dishes and odd nick-nacks, we see she has also put picures of what has to be her family members...on display by the corner tables. Yeaaaaaah. When the lady comes to give us our drinks...she asks if I am ready to order. I say not yet, and she stands behind Dave, resting her hand on her hip...staring and waiting for me to order! I pretend I don't notice and just put the menu in front of my face. She finally leaves. At this point we both are feeling pretty creeped out and annoyed with the rude owner/waitress. Later, when she comes back...I ask if we could start with an order of the garlic bread. She replies with ...."What?" Her expression is of complete confusion and disgust...as if I had just asked her to lick my foot or something. I spelled it out for her the best I could. "Could I order the garlic bread? For an appetizer?..........to start with?" She nods. I then ask to get a pizza with just pepperoni on it. The look of confusion on her face returns. She says..."Just pepperoni??? You don't want any sauce or cheese on it??" This is when I am tired of acting like I worded something wrong and I am officially mad....but I'm still polite. "No.......the only TOPPING I want is the pepperoni. I still want cheese and sauce." She nods. After that we just gobbled our food down when it arrived so we could get the hell out of there. I have no idea why that place was still in business. I noticed another lady sitting across from us with her family, and she was flashing her husband some unimpressed looks. Well as if that wasn't enough, we get back to the cottage before my mom and dad and find out the freshly cut spare key will not unlock the door. It is raining, and we are locked out. After about half an hour of trying the key at different angles and different doors.....Dave spots that the bathroom window has been left open. He climbs up on some rocks, I lift his foot with my hands, and he drops in through the window onto the bathroom floor like a sack of potatoes. Sweet! We're in! We begin drinking beers immediately. Well I did....Dave had started when he found out we were locked outside. All in all the weekend wasn't a total bust, playing funny games with my folks and all that. It was pretty enjoyable actually. It's weird because that could have easily been a horrible time. Sometimes when things don't go as planned or you are having the worst luck in the world...you just have to step back and laugh at yourself.
At 7:42 PM,
Erin said…
ohhhhh, amanda!!
only you eh?
i'm glad you had fun!!
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