Angry for no good reason ( WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING IN THIS ONE)
I recall a discussion I had with some friends a little while ago about "that time of the month" and the certain type of irritability that can come with it. Some women don't experience this rage...I am not one of those women. Holy poo I am mad. I've had waves of anger off and on all day and there is nothing I can do about it. I got pissed watching Dawson's Creek because one of the characters kept making a stupid face over and over. I fuckin hate Joey. Wait...make that two people kept making stupid faces. Some trampy slut with a pixy cut. Fuck her too. About five minutes ago I snapped at my mom for trying to show me one by one these frilly counter cover things I could need in the future. I tell her I'll take them out of the bag later and look at them. She begins to spread them out and show me anyways as I am trying to type. This fuels my rage, and I snarl " I said I'll LOOK at them LATER!" I am also angry at Dave for sleeping all day so to his shift work. I don't care that you sleep weird hours and need to save energy for work. Get the fuck up! I'm getting angry typing in this bright ass light from the computer screen. I'm outta here. I advise people to stay out of my path for the next week. Somebody needs to make a cure for this.
At 7:15 PM,
Erin said…
you rageful little monkey
At 1:59 PM,
Unknown said…
try eating ringolos in your room with the blinds shut. isolation is the only solution, I've found.
At 4:33 PM,
Erin said…
post more, evans! it's essay time and I need a good distraction. TELL ME A STORY????
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