September - December is the bestest!!!

Today is September 3rd, and I can't wait for fall. The summer went by so fast, but I am happy it is coming to an end soon. I'm sick of sweat and tank tops. I haven't been particularly fond of my body this summer so I am going to join a gym this week so I don't feel like a blob anymore. And soon I will be able to put jeans and socks on again!! Not that that should be an excuse to continue to eat like shit...(man do I need to eat some veggies), but I love autumn clothes. This is the time of year when I am the most happy...I loooove the fall. Colorful leaves, crisp air, pumpkins, turkey dinners, festivals, holidays, and ect. Work should be easier now that the kids are going back to school. It'll be weird going back to not having them around..but I was running out of ways to entertain them. Not to metion all the play dates I had to organize and put up with. My days will now constist of cleaning their house, running errends, and relaxing. Geez I need to find a real job soon....this is unatural.
At 10:01 PM,
Erin said…
Fall is my favourite too...I love October. And Hallowe'en. And pumpkin pie and cider. And crunchy leaves and hoodie sweaters every day. Ohhhhh fall. I'm so excited!
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