My Little Man
Bosco is my hamster. I want to have an ode to him on here because hamsters don't live long lives and I want him exposed to people in some way before he dies. Yes, I am indeed morbid. Bosco is not like other hamsters in the sense that he is abnormally social as well as intelligent. He recognizes who I am and follows me around. The funniest thing he has done was a month ago when I passed out on my bed accidently while letting him run around my room. I startled myself awake after about an hour and rolled over onto my other side only to find a giant pair of black button eyes staring into my soul. As usual he had managed to climbe (sp? wow i can't spell that word?? I'm fucked.) up the side of the bed. He only does that when he knows I'm sitting on top watching him run around. This time I guess he was confused that I was so still and not paying attention to him since I usually try to catch him or make sounds. God knows how long he was staring at me with those curious eyes of his. His body all rolled into a ball and sitting comfortably he was. Okay here are some pics of my little man. The first one gives you an idea of the view I had when I woke up. Too bad it's blurry.

P.S- The lighting makes Bosco look orange, but he is brown. BROWN! I know nobody cares about my hamster. Curse you all, he's cute.
At 4:15 PM,
Erin said…
Oh my god, I can't tell you how much I laughed when I saw his beady little eyes and imagined you waking up to him. He's a cute one but I'm kind of nervous around little pets like that...I always think they will bite me, probably because a childhood friend had an evil gerbil who bit me repeatedly and drew blood lots of times. Oh well. I'm more of a dog/cat/horse person. I love his name, by the way. And maybe he and Rozzie's little Vincent can be friends??
At 11:49 AM,
Mandy said…
No need to fear him, Bosco has never bitten anyone. Even when I picked him up by the head by accident when I thought it was his bum. Not a bite. And burns...I challenge you to a cute-off. Are ya scared? You should be.
At 3:30 PM,
Unknown said…
look how cute he is! I want to hold him when i get back...which is tomorrow. see ya soon, mandy! I'll be arriving at your door unexpectedly. Nah, I'll call you first. Aw, now I want a hamster!
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