A Rainy October Day
How do ya like that? A month later and it's still miserable outside. Fall is supposed to be my favorite season, but not this year. No crisp air, blue skies, or colourful dry leaves. Everything is just wet. On the positive side, I've been jobless for a month and it would be even worse if I was stuck inside the house all this time when its gorgeous outside. I don't feel so guilty sitting on my ass when it's rainy. It's times like these when I look back to my public school days and try to remember why I loved sick days so much. Nobody is around, my mom is at me for every little thing, and we are one of those families that don't believe in having nintendo. I must admit I love sleeping whenever the hell I want and staying up late when I want. There are perks...but I still would rather be working so I didn't feel like such a lazy useless bum. These job interviews are killing me too. I'm aiming to be a nanny for a couple of years and hopefully that will get me into a type of daycare without having to take a real ECE course. I've become so numb to interviews and the things I say during them. It makes me lose a lot of enthusiasm, but I'm not going to give up. I'll trudge ahead damnit...I'll land a job sooner or later. I've gotten offers too, but it's always ones that I realize I'd be losing a lot of money to commuting on the highway...or the dad randomly stays home all day in his office. Sometimes both parents are home and would always be around!!! Like I want them constantly checking in on me. Nuts to that. So...the search continues. I never saw myself in a career handling kids, but thats because I couldn't see a lot of things about the future. I've never had a passion for anything and it seems like I need to try things in order for me to decide if it's what I like doing. I hope this one sticks, and I have a feeling it will because to my suprise, kids seem to like me. I think it's because I'm a big goof off. In other words, i'm a big kid myself.
On a totaly different note, it's the month of Hollaween and I'm gunna deck out the front of the house in some creepy decor. I love Hollaween, and I'm waiting for the year it lands on a weekend day for a change so I can throw a party.
On another different note, Bosco has escaped for about the sixth time and we fear he has managed to squeeze his fat body into the vent. I don't see how he could manage to do that since he's twice the size he used to be...but you never know. So now I'm going around the house with a flashlight trying to find his hiding spot. Good times. Well, what else is there to do on a rainy day? I just hope he's not hurt. Okay here I go...my next entry I'll try to put up some pictures of something and I'll try to make it sooner then a month from now. Peace out.
On a totaly different note, it's the month of Hollaween and I'm gunna deck out the front of the house in some creepy decor. I love Hollaween, and I'm waiting for the year it lands on a weekend day for a change so I can throw a party.
On another different note, Bosco has escaped for about the sixth time and we fear he has managed to squeeze his fat body into the vent. I don't see how he could manage to do that since he's twice the size he used to be...but you never know. So now I'm going around the house with a flashlight trying to find his hiding spot. Good times. Well, what else is there to do on a rainy day? I just hope he's not hurt. Okay here I go...my next entry I'll try to put up some pictures of something and I'll try to make it sooner then a month from now. Peace out.
At 12:25 PM,
Unknown said…
hey, finally a new post! You gotta post more often, evans. It's raining here in montreal too, and it ain't pretty. Looks like we've both been sleeping in and not leaving the house. In my case I spend all my spare time watching LOST...now there's a show.
Keep plugging with the job hunt. Job searches suck, I know, but soon enough you will find the right job for you. Have you ever considered a live-in job? my old roommate is living in france at a french mansion as a nanny right now. Something to think about, anyway
At 3:03 PM,
Erin said…
Haha, I almost didn't read this because it looked exactly like the last post...and then I went OCTOBER? Oooooh. New things to read! Good luck with getting a job, I'm sure you'll find something soon. Like Dallas said: POST MORE!! And I will add, POST MORE YOU GODDAMN SLUT!! Because that is what I say. Yes. Anyhow...take care, see ya soon! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
At 1:53 AM,
Erin said…
And by the way...did you ever find Bosco? I fear for him.
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