I have An Addiction


Here are some random pics from a night out at the pub that I took near holloween. I would also have liked to post some black and white shots I took of Dave a while ago but I haven't finished that roll of film yet.
P.S: These pics aren't exactly flattering since most of us were tanked. Note in the last pic I look like the hunchback of Notre Dame.
Aaaaaah god. This was not a fun night for me. I spent most of the night staring around the bar in a drunken haze, at points I couldn't find my friends, and when I got home I woke up every two hours and ran to the bathroom to puke my guts out in the toilet/bathtub. I remember clogging the tub drain. Needless to say I haven't had a drink since, but I know that has to change soon because it's almost christmas vacation and I would like to enjoy myself. Enjoying one's self = alcohol. Is it me, or does this post have horrible spelling, sentence structure, and grammer?
Also, I'd like to see what people are up to for New Years because I want to do something different this year. I usually don't do much at all and this time I'm feeling the dress up thing. Anyone?? I'm going to go relax, I hope to write again soon.