Why I am the biggest moron to walk the face of this earth

I know that I have been putting up posts basically everyday for the past week, but I need to vent right now!
I am such an IDIOT! Ya wanna know what I did? DO YOU?!! Let me explain to ya'll why am the biggest dumb ass ever!!! First of all, I deposited a check into a debit machine not realizing that there is going to be a hold on it before I can actually use any money. I didn't bother going to the teller because I'm lazy peice of shit. When I found out I couldn't pay for my text book when I needed to, I called my dad at work in a panic and asked if he could go get it for me since he works in Toronto. Being the kind man that he is, he did so with no complaints. That was a few days ago. Today I wake up, and look at the train schedual and realize I missed the train I was supposed to catch. The next one brings me into Toronto after my class has already started. Good job Amanda. Way to plan ahead. I then look at my course outline to see what I am going to be missing in class, I also look to see if I need a text book for it, even though I think I already bought the one I need. I sure didn't. When I went to the bookstore at the beginning of school.....I ALREADY HAD BOUGHT THE ONE MY DAD HAD TO GO GET FOR ME!!!! NOW I HAD TWO OF THE SAME BOOK!!! Now I am missing the one I actually needed for today's class!! THAT was the book I needed. So now, I am missing my morning class and going to school in the afternoon to attend my second class...as well as return one of the books I already have. I also have to ask Christa to fill me in on what I missed, hoping I can catch up. You see?!! Who does this??? What is wrong with me?? Please, if anyone reading this has a story about themselves to make me feel like less of a moron, please share it with me. Leave a comment telling a story about how you can be a moron too. I don't mean something that happened ten years ago either. Recently people. UGH! Ok thats all I got.
At 3:33 PM,
Bathroom Jones said…
To make you feel better I would suggest heading over to our blog and reading about my adventure last Friday but you already have. Thanks for the love. We take great pride in making Canadian girls cakle like old women. Oh, and thanks for wanting to date me but you live too far away and I don't have the gas money or the tolerance for alcohol to drunk drive up to Ontario in the middle of the night. Don't be a stranger.
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