Blogger is a pain/My encounters with the mentally challenged
Okay, I don't know what the hell is going on with my blog, but any pictures I try to put on here will not work. I better figure it out soon because this limits me a lot. Do I have to put only digital pics on? Is that easier?? I don't get it. Right, on to talking about something else for the time being. Well....I have dicked around with my college courses for over two years and I have picked yet another program to try. Behavioural Science Technology at George Brown College in Toronto. I have no idea how I got accepted but I am greatful. During this course I will have to deal a little bit with the mentally impaired as part of studying defects of the human brain. This worries me. I'm sorry, but these people scare me. I have had bad experiences with many as you'd say...retarded individuals. Is that politically correct?? Can I say that? Screw it I don't care, this is MY blog. I feel I have earned every right to be uncomfortable and freaked out when I'm near these people. I will explain to you why in three short and tramatizing stories. Hang eyes hurt from the screen. Ugh my eyes really hurt! Oh yes, and it has come to my attention that this content can be offensive to some people. Let me state, I am not making fun of anyone who is mentally challenged. I am simply sharing my bad experiences and my views that have been shaped by those experiences. Stop reading this post now if you are sensitive on this topic. This IS a warning. Now, this is my blog and I can express myself however I see fit. That's the point of a blog.
The Tale Of Mary-Anne Who Ran With My Lunch Bag
It was grade 4 and I would step out of the portable into the sunshine. My lunch of peanut butter and jelly with an apple was in my hand locked in a zip-lock bag. I never saw it coming. She was fast for a fat girl with glasses. From around the corner Mary-Anne grabbed my lunch from my hand, and would run into the grassy field. She ran fast and she ran hard. I could never catch her. Eventually I would just stand and watch her dissapear down a hill. I don't know what it was that made her pick on me, but I just started to get used to this mean girl with down-syndrome stealing my lunch on a daily basis.
The Red-Headed Twins and The Gate Their Parents Should Lock
Again in grade 4, I would walk home by myself a short distance. I would have to pass by this house that never failed to have two red-headed twin boys with un-even eyes and distorted bodies, sitting on the front lawn. They would watch all the kids pass by their house on the way home from school. It was creepy but harmless enough I guess. I would dread seeing those boys, but this one day I was delighted to see they weren't there. I walked past the house just glancing over my shoulder for a second, and I saw something that still haunts my dreams. The boys WERE there. In the backyard, they must have been distracted and not noticed the students that day. But they noticed me. Through the crack of the open gate they saw me walk by, and they began to run at me from their backyard. The gate flew wide open and their arms flailed out with their oversized heads bobbing to keep up with their bodies. I screamed and ran of course, but thats all I remember.
The Boy That Went......"Qqquuek"
I was about 16 and I was walking down the hallway with my friend. We were walking to our next class when one of the "special needs" kids set loose down the same hall away from his care giver. He didn't run, he twitched and cocked his head to the side as he looked around. My friend immediatly went around him as soon as she had the chance, but it was too late for me. He was too close now and made eye contact. I lowered my eyes to the ground and tried to dodge past, but he came right up into my face and grabbed my arm. I looked into his un-focused eyes as he leaned in and went.." qqueek!" It's hard to spell out the exact noise but it kind of sounded like something a baby duck would do. No vocal chords were used, just a strange noise he made with his tounge/roof of his mouth. I smirked awkwardly and ran after my friend as she laughed. The care giver pulled him towards her and they went back down the hall. It was a very strange moment indeed.
So there you have it. I'm allowed to not like the mentally challenged at this point in time. They sense my fear. I'm going to have to get over it though. I just know this is how I'm going to die. An Autistic child will leap over my desk at me and jab a pen into my eye. Is that how you spell it? Autistic? Man I'm a bad speller. Anyways, no offence to anyone here. I am sure lots of them are wonderful and sweet. These are just my experiences so I have certain views. I gotta go to bed now. I'll write again when I figure out what the hell is wrong with my blog/computer. I need pictures damnit!!! Okay night.
P.S- For those of you who haven't visited this, go to I tried to make a link on the side of the page that would work, but as usual, I had trouble. I'll keep tryin though. This guy's blog is so funny and at times also very true. Give it a whirl will ya? Good! Peace out.
The Tale Of Mary-Anne Who Ran With My Lunch Bag
It was grade 4 and I would step out of the portable into the sunshine. My lunch of peanut butter and jelly with an apple was in my hand locked in a zip-lock bag. I never saw it coming. She was fast for a fat girl with glasses. From around the corner Mary-Anne grabbed my lunch from my hand, and would run into the grassy field. She ran fast and she ran hard. I could never catch her. Eventually I would just stand and watch her dissapear down a hill. I don't know what it was that made her pick on me, but I just started to get used to this mean girl with down-syndrome stealing my lunch on a daily basis.
The Red-Headed Twins and The Gate Their Parents Should Lock
Again in grade 4, I would walk home by myself a short distance. I would have to pass by this house that never failed to have two red-headed twin boys with un-even eyes and distorted bodies, sitting on the front lawn. They would watch all the kids pass by their house on the way home from school. It was creepy but harmless enough I guess. I would dread seeing those boys, but this one day I was delighted to see they weren't there. I walked past the house just glancing over my shoulder for a second, and I saw something that still haunts my dreams. The boys WERE there. In the backyard, they must have been distracted and not noticed the students that day. But they noticed me. Through the crack of the open gate they saw me walk by, and they began to run at me from their backyard. The gate flew wide open and their arms flailed out with their oversized heads bobbing to keep up with their bodies. I screamed and ran of course, but thats all I remember.
The Boy That Went......"Qqquuek"
I was about 16 and I was walking down the hallway with my friend. We were walking to our next class when one of the "special needs" kids set loose down the same hall away from his care giver. He didn't run, he twitched and cocked his head to the side as he looked around. My friend immediatly went around him as soon as she had the chance, but it was too late for me. He was too close now and made eye contact. I lowered my eyes to the ground and tried to dodge past, but he came right up into my face and grabbed my arm. I looked into his un-focused eyes as he leaned in and went.." qqueek!" It's hard to spell out the exact noise but it kind of sounded like something a baby duck would do. No vocal chords were used, just a strange noise he made with his tounge/roof of his mouth. I smirked awkwardly and ran after my friend as she laughed. The care giver pulled him towards her and they went back down the hall. It was a very strange moment indeed.
So there you have it. I'm allowed to not like the mentally challenged at this point in time. They sense my fear. I'm going to have to get over it though. I just know this is how I'm going to die. An Autistic child will leap over my desk at me and jab a pen into my eye. Is that how you spell it? Autistic? Man I'm a bad speller. Anyways, no offence to anyone here. I am sure lots of them are wonderful and sweet. These are just my experiences so I have certain views. I gotta go to bed now. I'll write again when I figure out what the hell is wrong with my blog/computer. I need pictures damnit!!! Okay night.
P.S- For those of you who haven't visited this, go to I tried to make a link on the side of the page that would work, but as usual, I had trouble. I'll keep tryin though. This guy's blog is so funny and at times also very true. Give it a whirl will ya? Good! Peace out.
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dont let yourself feel bad because you dislike or fear retards. It's instinct to want to destroy or at least shun them. In ancient times retards were seen as a weak link in society and systematically destroyed. If they were aloud to flourish the human race would be far worse off because of it. Its only natural to be repulsed by them.
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