My Ode To Avril Lavigne

Anyone who knows me knew this was comin. Nobody reads this though, so who cares? So yes it is true......I have a girl crush on Avril Lavigne. I believe that everyone has some sort of personal attachement to a celebrity/athlete/politician....etc. This is mine. I just think she's great. GREAT!! So if you are one of those people who hate her ( whatever) don't read the rest of this post. FUCK......why is our basement so fucking freezing??!! My fingers are already numbing!! I'm already drinking a coke so that rules out hot tea. Shit. Anyways, I actually didn't like Avril when she started to become famous. I thought her attitude stunk and she seemed cocky. It was weird because how could I like her lyrics so much, but not her? I just loved her music. Then I realized that she is just terrible in interviews because she doesn't care about them and that can come off as snobby. In anything that was behind the scenes though, she was awsome because she was relaxed and having fun!.......................GOOD NIGHT MOM!!!! Ugh! She seriously won't stop yelling " Good night Mand!" down the stairs until I shout it back up to her. I love her and all, but mother......let it be!!! Do you know what else she does? I'll be finally drifting off to sleep in my room when she'll stick her face right up against the crack of the door and say it again! What is that??? You know I'm in there trying to sleep! Plus, I live here! You see me all the time!! Why the good night Mand? WHY!! So yes...Avril. I can see how other people can not like her. The media had played up her image and at times it was more about that than her music. This was all the industry's doings...not hers. I don't give a shit what she wears.....her voice is one that is unique, strong, and gentle at the same time. I feel that a lot of female singers all sound the same, like they're putting on these fake singing voices or something. Avril sings from her gut. And it's so stupid that because she's opinionated people label her as bad ass or bitchy. Sorry....I guess girls should always speak in high squeeky voices and have nothing interesting to say. Since when is having opinions a bad thing? Okay, well I'm off to bed for now. Oh man,.......Coke was a bad choice.
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
i always knew it. glad your true feelings are finally coming to light.
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